Monday, January 14, 2013

Sorry Excuses and a Hall Pass

When I started this blog less than a year ago, I had too much time on my hands. 

I was a fairly new expat struggling with the adjustment process. For the first time in my adult life, I didn't have a job or volunteer commitments keeping me over-occupied while the kids were at school. So I began writing. 

In all honestly, I had been wanting to blog for many years, but never found the time. Countless posts were constructed in my head but never found their way through my keyboard. Once I had the time, I was happy for the outlet.

Now, less than a year later, it's no surprise I've found myself involved in numerous projects, teaching part time, starting a new business with a partner, and socially engaged. The blog has been relegated to the back burner. And frankly, that doesn't sit well with me. I enjoyed blogging. Not finding time for it seems a sorry excuse. Shouldn't we always find time for the things we really love?

We should. So, here's my hall pass (I hope you'll accept).... 

A good friend and fellow blogger, KettwigeFrau, turned me onto Blipfoto. I'd been stalking her beautiful photo journal for some time, thinking it was a great way to keep a simple, daily record of life and thought. As the new year rolled around, I decided to try it out for myself. I'm only two weeks in, and make no promises yet that I'll keep it going every single day (I'm quite sure, in fact, that there will be periods I abstain whilst traveling and disconnecting from the electronic world....). But by and large, I find the simple concept of uploading just one photo with a few musings fits my busy lifestyle, need for artistic expression, and desire to  maintain some form of personal journal.

I'm not closing this stream yet. I still plan to check in here with longer rants, recipes, books, music, other inspiration, etc. But I offer fair notice that it will be with less frequency. 

For regular updates on the life and times of the "Have Lipstick and Laptop Will Travel" woman with a global attitude, visit me at Blipfoto: GlobalAttitude

Auf Wiedersehen, Until We Meet Again....
Liebe Grüße,